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Schunk presents itself to the younger generation

Around 350 students attended the Campus@Schunk event

  • Around 350 students attended the Campus@Schunk event
    Around 350 students attended the “Campus@Schunk” careers day and found out about the technologies of the Schunk Group and opportunities for joining the group.
  • Around 350 students attended the Campus@Schunk event
    Dr. Arno Roth, CEO of the Schunk Group, welcomed the students and introduced to them the four divisions with their areas of activity.

The first edition was an immediate success – around 350 students visited the “Campus@Schunk” careers day held in Heuchelheim at the end of November.
The aim was to address students throughout the region, draw their attention to Schunk and introduce the Schunk Group as a technology corporation and potential employer. The approximately 350 visitors were students from the big technical universities of Darmstadt, Karlsruhe and Aachen, as well as from Hamburg and of course also Gießen and Friedberg.
“We were able to conduct many interesting interviews and establish contacts. The visitors were very interested and their feedback was uniformly positive”, says Head of Human Resources Steffen Friedrich summing up the event.

Technology and careers

In the afternoon a supporting program was held, with talks on starting a career, career paths and Schunk technologies. The event was concluded with a panel discussion with participants from Schunk and two professors from Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences. The students were also able to go on a factory tour, find out about the four divisions of the Schunk Group in an exhibition, talk to human resources managers and have their applications checked.


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Dr. Neill Busse


Tel.: +49 641 608 - 2285

Rodheimer Straße 59
35452 Heuchelheim
