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WIBObarrier® - drying pharmaceutical products under high containment conditions

Weiss GWE presents a new product from the field of life science.

The WIBObarrier® safety workstation BGKVO 200/170 with an integrated heating and drying cabinet TU 60/60 from Vötsch Industrietechnik. This technology allows intermediate and finished products to be dried on racks in the drying cabinet and processed further under containment conditions in the WIBObarrier®.

The heating and drying cabinet TU 60/60 from Vötsch Industrietechnik was designed for the pharmaceutical industry in line with GMP/FDA. It features short drying cycles, optimised air flow, rapid exchange of air as well as a precisely controlled, homogeneous temperature up to 300 °C in the drying oven.

The WIBObarrier® safety workstation from Weiss GWE is suitable for all areas where increased protection of people and products is required during the handling of pharmaceutical products and active substances. Specially shaped air outlets create a clean air curtain, separating working and ambient areas. A sliding screen with glove access provides additional protection against cross contamination or transmission.

The integrated solution of safety workstation and drying cabinet for drying processes offers the advantage that products can be introduced and processed further under cleanroom conditions. At the same time, the WIBObarrier® air flow system prevents gases or airborne particles emitted by the product from escaping.

Weiss GWE GmbH in Hude is a leading specialist for systems for the detection and extraction of harmful substances. As a subsidiary of Weiss Technik, Weiss GWE and Vötsch Industrietechnik are part of the international Schunk Group. Weiss uses the heading “Life Science” to integrate products and services which are useful for the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries as well as for hospitals, pharmacies and medical practices.

The Schunk Group is an internationally active technology group with over 8,000 employees in 29 countries. The company offers a wide range of products and services from the fields of carbon technology and ceramics, environmental simulations and climate technology, hard carbide and ultrasound welding. In 2014, the Schunk Group achieved a turnover of around 990 million Euro.

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