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Longstanding employees recognized

Peter R. Manolopoulos thanks employees of Weiss Technik who are celebrating anniversaries

  • Peter R. Manolopoulos thanks employees of Weiss Technik who are celebrating anniversaries
    Managing Director Peter R. Manolopoulos (middle) together with the longstanding employees of Weiss Technik.
  • Peter R. Manolopoulos thanks employees of Weiss Technik who are celebrating anniversaries
    Managing Director Peter R. Manolopoulos gives an overview on the successful financial year of Weiss Technik.

Weiss Technik has held a celebration to recognize its longstanding employees for either 25 or 40 years of service. Peter R. Manolopoulos, a member of the Executive Board of the Schunk Group and Managing Director of Weiss Technik, personally thanked the employees who were celebrating these anniversaries for their hard work and dedication.

“2016 has been an excellent year so far for Weiss Technik,” Manolopoulos announced. He also took the opportunity to offer an overview of the positive development of the company, which celebrated its own 60th anniversary this year.

“We have held our own on the market and won over new customers through excellent performance. The stable development of the market helped us with this,” Manolopoulos said, evaluating the company’s overall development on the market. Manolopoulos pointed out that the area of environmental simulation has seen particularly robust growth rates due to a large number of major projects in the automotive industry. He added that the volume of orders received had reached a new record as the end of the year approached. “That means we are starting the new year with our order books full and with a nice cushion,” Manolopoulos continued.

“Over 2,000 people worldwide work to ensure the success of Weiss Technik every day,” Manolopoulos said. “On behalf of the entire senior management, I’d like to thank you for your hard work and dedication,” he told the audience of about 120. The anniversary celebration was held at the Heuchelheim site of the Schunk Group, to which Weiss Technik belongs.

Congratulations for employees celebrating anniversaries

Manolopoulos then offered personal congratulations to the employees who were celebrating anniversaries. The employees receiving special recognition for 40 years with the company were Dieter Appelt, Ulrich Berndt, Klaus-Dieter Petri and Bernd Schmidt. The following have worked for Weiss for 25 years: Erik Berg, Thomas Blum, Katja Böcher, Heinz Bruckwilder, Lars Hessler, Silvio Hirte, Holger Schulze, Martin Kluger, Albert Kornmann, Holger Kühn, Werner Kühn, Gabriele Laub, Steffen Maurer, Hans-Peter Mayer, Detlev Müller, Ulrich Polzer, Günter Reimer, Wolfgang Richter, Gerd Ruschkowski, Mark Weimer, Rainer Wind, Frank Wirth and Michael Zinnkann. Musical accompaniment was provided by the Weiss plant choir, which also had an anniversary of its own to celebrate, as this year is the tenth since its founding.

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Dr. Neill Busse


Tel.: +49 641 608 - 2285

Rodheimer Straße 59
35452 Heuchelheim
