MINTmit Award 2019

Schunk Group supports MINT subjects for the second time with sponsorship award

  • Schunk Group supports MINT subjects for the second time with sponsorship award
    [Translate to Chinesisch:] Hans-Joachim Drees (left) with the prizewinners Marcus Schnöbel and Ulrike Baum from the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule in Wetzlar.

With its innovative teaching concept of scientific profile classes, the Wetzlar Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule wants to give pupils an understanding of so-called MINT subjects (MINT stands for the German abbreviation for mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology). For this, the school has now been awarded the MINTmit Prize by the Regional Management Mittelhessen.

Jury member Prof. Dr. Katja Specht, Vice President of the Technical University Mittelhessen (THM), praised, among other things, the "high transferability", the breadth and the cooperation culture of the project called "MINT - We can do that".

MINT promotion produces innovations

The prize money of 2,500 euros was donated for the second time by the Schunk Group, which is regularly involved in the training and further education of young people. The award ceremony therefore took place at the company headquarters in Heuchelheim.

"Innovations are extremely important to us," said Hans-Joachim Drees, Managing Director of Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik. Such innovations mostly come from mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, i.e. the MINT subjects. "That's why the Schunk Group also supports MINT education."

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Dr. Neill Busse


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