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Weiss Technik launches new website

Division combines service and product portfolio on a single website for the first time

  • Division combines service and product portfolio on a single website for the first time

Customers around the world can now experience Weiss Technik’s full spectrum of products and services. The new website is the single source for all of Weiss Technik’s business units. Website users now have access to all Weiss Technik products in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, pharmaceutics, biology, hospital and medical engineering industry. A selector provides quick and reliable access to available products for each industry.

Direct access to service

Weiss Technik’s regular customers can also learn about the company’s broad service range and find the right contact for their service ticket on the website.

Optimized for mobile devices

One major benefit of the new website: It adapts to your display device, be it computer, tablet or smartphone. Andrea Bodenhagen, Weiss Technik’s Head of Marketing, explains: “This gives mobile device users much better access to Weiss Technik content on the go.”

The new website of Weiss Technik is available at www.weiss-technik.info.

Extbase Variable Dump
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Dr. Neill Busse


Tel.: +49 641 608 - 2285

Rodheimer Straße 59
35452 Heuchelheim
