Donations in the amount of €2,000 have been awarded to both the Sternschnuppe Daycare Center in Lindenstruth and the welfare center in Reiskirchen.
Both of these institutions are the beneficiaries of a very unusual prize drawing. During the family celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of Weiss Technik in June, the company invited its employees to offer prizes for a raffle. “But the prizes should not be material objects,” said Peter R. Manolopoulos, Weiss Technik’s Managing Director and member of corporate management of the Schunk Group, to which Weiss Technik belongs. “Instead, employees should offer their own talents as the prizes,” continued Mr. Manolopoulos. In this spirit, the prizes offered included riding lessons, glider flights, golf sessions and a visit to a radio station – all of which were either performed or arranged by Weiss employees. Ticket sales raised a total of €2,000, which the company doubled to a final donation of €4,000.
On Tuesday Manolopoulos, together with Mayor Dietmar Kromm, presented the donations to the Sternschnuppe Daycare Center and the Reiskirchen Welfare Center. “It is fitting that the proceeds should address the concerns of our own local community, acting as a symbol of the tie between our company and Reiskirchen,” said the Managing Director.
“On behalf of the community, I thank you for both donations. I am certain that both of the awards will be put to good and meaningful use,” emphasized Kromm.
At the nursery, ideas for how to use the money are already coming in fast: re-equip the children’s building corner with new building blocks and purchase a workbench at which the children can make things. At present, the daycare center cares for 35 children aged between one and six on an all-day basis.
The welfare center at Reiskirchen is also delighted to receive its award. Currently six members of the staff look after 62 people, each of whom requires care at home up to three times per day. “The welfare center has no supporting organization and so the team is grateful for any financial support,” said the Mayor.